It's hard to believe it was 10 years ago today that my mom passed away. Life goes on, yet even though she's gone, she's not away. She's always with me. It's such a strange feeling - and one I wish I could trade in for her physical presence. But that's not how life works. I took the time today to …
Be Happy and Others Will Be Too
This is why it's not selfish to contemplate on what makes you happy and to take action in alignment with that. I need to add something very important: As you contemplate... as you make your decisions on what action you take... you'll know if it's a selfish act or one that, as a …
Detachment Doesn’t Mean Not Caring
This is a really great reminder. Holding other people capable of leading their own lives... and not trying to "save" them or "punish" them... which has more to do with us than them. Why is it so hard to let people go? (Because what if they never come back? Sometimes we'd rather try and keep someone …