There’s something odd about me. It’s more funny than anything else at this point. I have a phobia of little round things – pea size anything – pearls, Skittles, etc., even peanut M&M’s if they’re too small and round. Peas are the absolute worst. They’re simply gross to me. They always have been and I don’t even know why (not that I’ve tried to figure it out).
Here are some other irrelevant revelations:
I LOVE making and eating chocolate chip cookies. I ask my family to hide them from me because I can barely control myself from eating one after another after another.
My parents’ nickname for me as a child was energizer bunny.
I used to dislike my curly hair until the 80’s, and now I love it because it’s easy to manage after I learned to let it do what it wants.
I started family dance nights a few years ago and even if my husband and kids don’t join in at first, I dance anyway. Then one, if not all of them, usually end up joining me. I’m that irresistible!
For those curious about my professional background, this part is for you:
I essentially grew up in a law firm, starting in high school. I later earned a Certificate in Paralegal Studies, which provided me a more in depth understanding of the legal process.
My legal background spans 17 years. I worked closely with attorneys and clients on case files, wrote declarations, letters, pleadings; guided clients through legal processes, hired and supervised staff, handled HR, assisted with IT, learned and implemented new software, created written procedures, trained attorneys and staff, etc.
The firm practiced a variety of law which made my work very interesting. I was drawn particularly to Family Law and Probate because of the family dynamics involved. It’s fulfilling helping people through difficult times in their life.
I found my strength in remaining calm in the midst of crisis, which enables me to focus on the bigger picture of challenges and be more effective in helping people overcome them. This involves first considering each person’s viewpoint and placing high importance on all perspectives.
When my husband and I became engaged, we started our own company together – an IT Consulting company. Information Technology is my husband’s area of interest, not so much mine, however, I utilized many skills I developed during my years at the law firm to support our business.
I’ve learned so much from the challenges of owning a business and how important it is to be open minded, disciplined, considerate and service oriented.
I also learned a lot about the negative and positive effects of being in business with a spouse and how to navigate it all so we could still have fun as a couple. (What a windy road that was!)
Having our own business has been great in many ways, and challenging in just as many ways, especially when our kids, Dominic and Sophie, came along. It wasn’t easy for us, but our efforts have been worth it.
We’ve had our business for over 15 years, and I’ve delegated many responsibilities which frees up a lot of my time to pursue other areas of interest where I can continue utilizing my strengths to benefit others.
Our entire family is involved in various creative projects and we each have different focused interests, such as writing books, creative writing, song writing, playing musical instruments, performing, drawing, digital media, filming videos, video editing, special effects, etc., and we all support each other and travel together to learn and collaborate with others.
All this is our idea of fun! If you come to our home, you’ll see video equipment, lighting, instruments, etc. all over the house. We’re home a lot because we’re so drawn to our various projects and are pulled to work on them.
My personal focus at this time is inspired by my book: “Wonderfully Human: A True Story of Love, Loss and Freedom”. After I wrote the book, I began creating this website, which is evolving.
The lessons I learned and outlined in my book have been liberating. While the hardships and feelings of loss were real and forever affect my life, the insights gained into how to turn challenges into opportunities and live a more compassionate and fulfilling life, regardless of circumstances, have been empowering…and humbling.
My book is an uplifting story of hope and inspiration through which I share these insights. It is possible to thrive in life, even after the most devastating circumstances. It takes focused awareness, vulnerability and courage, and all the effort is worth it.
We can feel alive from pain, or joy. I choose joy. And you can too. The paradox is… without feeling pain, you cannot experience joy. And life consists of both. Don’t let the pain scare you. Look at moving through pain as a challenge – one that will be overcome. Trust that there are unimaginable gifts waiting for you to receive on the other side.
Now, for the most important part: WHO AM I?
I am a compassionate and courageous woman with a pull toward authenticity that inspires me every day to connect with people on a meaningful level.
I believe human beings are hard-wired to care, and if we simply stop more often, feel a bit more deeply, and love courageously, we experience so much more fulfillment and a sense of ease in life, regardless of our circumstances.
There is an inspiring wonder about life when we live according to our nature as human beings – in kind and caring ways. There is one problem. We are human. So while it’s our nature to care, the paradox is we’re flawed because of our humanity.
So, the challenge is in the dance – the dance of remembering and then forgetting and remembering again that every person matters.
I’m about caring for myself and others, living freely in all my uniqueness, celebrating the goodness in the world and forgiving the flaws of our humanity.
I believe we are all connected as human beings. There is too much loneliness and despair in the world. If we focus on our commonality versus our differences, we’ll see that the essence of who we are truly is the same.
Authenticity, compassion, authenticity, compassion – I believe will set humanity free in the most miraculous ways.
I’m focused on doing my part from the depths of who I am – one imperfect, wonderful human being – because what is the alternative? No choice seems worthwhile to me.
I’m playing in the field of real, raw life, embracing all its glory and all its flaws. It’s a treacherous road facing all that is. Yet to attempt to take any other road, is a lie – and a big, unsatisfying disappointment. Why?
Because the real beauty and fulfillment in life comes when we show up and engage in life from the depths of who we are, regardless of circumstances.
What is real in life is what is most precious – the many small moments strung together, exactly as they are.
What’s real is truth. We each have the answers, and they’re always inside us…coming to the surface when we start asking life’s big questions.
What a sense of freedom there is for the person who lives in truth. The best of people really do come out – in the most perfectly imperfect, messy, and refreshingly beautiful way. Personal empowerment and inspired action is the result, simply because so little holds you down.
Want to join me and play in the field of real, raw life?
Who knows where this will lead, but what I do know is that the ripple effect of one focused individual, joining another, then another in taking inspired and compassionate action to relieve even one person’s sorrow (starting with our own), will simply be amazing.
Love always,