When the light met the earth
and you landed here
whether in your mother’s arms
or left on the church step
You knew
Not through explanation
but through presence
that you were alone in this world
yet belonged
to something greater
You felt it all
Discomfort and warmth
Hunger and sweet bites
Pain and enthusiasm
for life
You allowed curiosity
to move you
You knew
who you were
and that you’re free
to be
you smiled
felt confident
on your own
before you sleep
you have your own thoughts
and when you wake
there they are again
You are alone now and were alone then
A clean slate is what you had
when your light met this earth
a blank canvas from which to choose
how you wanted to play here
But in this world of ours
there is disruption
there is agenda
there are pushes and pulls
and the longer you live here
the words start coming
stronger and harder
and with it
the stories
and you start to forget
that you’re alone
thankfully so
in this man-made world
that you don’t need the words of others
or the stories
or the explanations
that you belong already
to all that is meaningful
to all that truly lasts
when your light starts to dim
it doesn’t have to
if you still knew
that you needed nothing more
than your light
because that is what guided you here
and that is what shows you the way
it allows you to observe the pushes and pulls
and see them for what they are
the struggles
that you need not claim
the stories that you didn’t write
so much appears to be of such great importance
the paradox of all that is real in this world
can be paralyzing
until we remember
that one day we will leave this world
until we remember
that our journey on this human plane
is ours alone
yet we can tap into the plane we came from
when we remember to
when we’re open to it
when we want to
Our first breath was an experience
as our last breath will also be
As much as you may scream it’s not so
it simply doesn’t matter where you came from
whether you were born in the warmth of loving arms
or abandoned again and again
if we take the birds-eye view of life
we’ll see that we’re one of many
running around
trying to make sense of it all
until we realize no sense can be made
of this world
it’s simply not meant to be understood
It’s an experience for us
and we can play a part
or hide for cover
We can make it difficult
or make it simple
The difficult way may seem more interesting
with all its twists and turns
and the many bursts of happiness
and pain
But the simple way is what allows us to breathe
It allows us to take everything in
and watch as it flows back out
It allows us to feel peace in the midst of chaos
and moments of pure joy
It’s what makes us feel gratitude and freedom
to be who we are
alongside all the complexity
Our humble power leads the way
You knew
It’s not about your words
You came to this earth without any
It’s not about agendas
You felt, and you moved without plans
You survived
While words and strategy have its purpose
it’s not where power lies
Your true power – the kind that causes ripple effects
is released when you remember
who you are
When you’re free
to move about in this world
with your hopes and dreams intact
and your obstacles are handled
with a broad perspective
of trust
in what you don’t understand
but what you know to be true
there are no words to express
how others feel
when you show up
in all your stumbling efforts
allowing your light to shine through
all parts of your humanity
the good
the ugly
the beautiful
through watching you swirl
through the darkness of this world
and still come out to play
we see ourselves in you
because we’re human too
and there’s a good chance
that we also can begin to trust again
in what we forgot
in what
we too
always knew