When you think of blooming, how does it feel? I'm thinking in terms of your spirit blooming. The essence of who you are is expansive and flows. It is not obstructed because it cannot be. When we show up as we are – in all our glory and all our flaws – we feel how all else simply bumps up …
Beliefs and Curiosity
What came to mind when I saw this picture of these two easels...I thought about beliefs. When we have a strong belief about something, and are presented with an opposing thought that we cannot fully take in as a valid possibility, we're like the first easel - there is a part of our mind that is …
Do You See Me?
Another poem came to me that I thought you'd appreciate. When talking with someone you care about, do you ever feel like the other person isn't really listening? They may be saying, "Uh huh," but you know they aren't really hearing you. As evolved people, we can reason that it's nothing personal, …