Why are you alive?
What’s the meaning of life?
Hmmm… if you ask me, it’s about relationships. All kinds.
Seeing each other. Accepting each other.
Being kind and mean.
Saying sorry and meaning it.
Saying I love you and meaning it.
Having the courage to show up, regardless of how we’re feeling, and when we don’t show up, being super kind and gentle with ourselves because as humans sometimes we don’t show up.
We need each other. So let’s be there for each other… in all the messiness… because it’s when we’re struggling through the messiness that we discover our purpose.
Hang in there… it’ll all make sense one day. And the paradox is – it makes sense when we accept that life doesn’t make sense and we’re okay with that.
How can we be okay with that?
Because life is a ride that we do not control.
When we’re okay with what doesn’t make sense, our energy no longer is spent trying to “figure it all out” and we’re free to see what it really is.
And it is good… because there is a lot of good when we look for it. Then we can thrive in it and bring others along for the ride.
Ignore the bad? Ignore all the tragedy that exists every day? No. Never ignore what is.
Notice it.
Then re-focus.
We have the energy and inspiration to make a positive impact in the world and enjoy our time here when we’re focusing on the good that clearly exists, even in the midst of horrendous events.
Focus on the good and show up in as many moments as we can, in all our imperfection. That’s what I call having a purpose.
And the momentum of our combined courage – as we see each other and help each other, even when we have trouble understanding each other – this is what will change the world.
Makes sense? If not, it’s okay. It’s always okay. Be gentle… and somehow the clarity comes.