When you think of blooming, how does it feel?
I’m thinking in terms of your spirit blooming. The essence of who you are is expansive and flows. It is not obstructed because it cannot be.
When we show up as we are – in all our glory and all our flaws – we feel how all else simply bumps up against us then gently away.
This isn’t about feeling “good” or feeling “bad” it’s about feeling and allowing the sensation to move through you.
Why? So you can be you. All the good and bad are distractions that we can choose to observe instead of let in. (Not an easy process, but it can be done. Again, why? Again, so you can be you).
When you think of competing how does it feel?
Perhaps exhilarating, some may say. Feelings of being alive.
While these sensations may seem desirable, they are just that, leaving us “up” then “down”. Spiraling a bit, but feeling a thrilling sensation as we compare, compete and attempt to control.
Yet, the reality is, so much energy is used for the experience of this empty cycle.
There is a block to our spirit during competition. There is a winner and a loser and a hindrance to experiencing an alternative. An alternative that allows the best of each of us to unfold and effect and inspire and cause massive impacts and change.
This isn’t about good or bad, right or wrong. It’s simply a consideration we each must contemplate: How do I want to be? All the while understanding how powerful we each are. With this power comes great responsibility. We are fully responsible for how we show up in our lives.
A flower is an inspiring example. It’s beautiful by nature. It blooms effortlessly. It’s living full out, until it dies. And how sad it would be if it didn’t and we never saw its beauty.
The spirit of a flower during its short life is being only what it is, no more, no less, no different. It blooms effortlessly…as can we.
Why expend energy trying to be more or less or different than who we already are? We all get stuck in that cycle here and there…because we forget the paradox of our existence…that there is only one of you and one of me, yet we’re all connected as human beings.
Imagine when we stop competing with each other and support each other instead. Allow each other to fully bloom…while we still can…imagine the beauty we can create.
Love, always,