Ever wonder why your voice shakes? Because sometimes speaking the truth feels like you’re going to die.
Why is it so scary to say THE TRUTH?
Because THE TRUTH is that knowing inside you that you express through words… and that journey to those words is what’s so scary.
WHY? Because we aren’t raised to speak the truth – after all, where does that get us in the “real world”? – so we don’t know it consciously. However, we absolutely know it.
Speaking it is hard because we don’t know how it will come out. Will the words make sense? Even to me? Will they be well received? Will they be hurtful? Will they change my life in ways I don’t feel ready for?
THE SCARY PART? THE SHAKY VOICE? Is because we don’t know the answers to those questions and we cannot control those outcomes, even though we think we can sometimes… which is why we try so hard (unconsciously) to twist the truth. We think we can make everything okay by “playing the game”… but we can’t.
So might as well be you. Take a breathe… tell the truth… after pausing to accept what the truth is. You’ll know if you’re telling the truth if you’re calm and shaking… not screaming and blaming.
Allow yourself to be courageous… because we all have that capacity as humans.
Allow yourself to fumble around with your words… because as humans that authentic effort is greatly appreciated… because it’s a relief to witness the vulnerability of imperfection that every human goes through when they are expressing from the depths of who they are.
Allow the outcome to be whatever it is.
Allow your innate compassion to be part of the process.
And always remember… you’re just as important as anyone else (no more, no less).
WHY SPEAK THE TRUTH? Because it allows you to get acquainted with who you really are and allows others to know you.
WHY IS THIS WORTHWHILE? After all, it’s scary… voice shaky… palms sweaty… feels like you’re going to die… WHY?
Because as humans, we want to live. We want to expand instead of restrict. We want to thrive in this crazy world that makes no sense… until we have the courage to tell the truth.
Then we see how simple it all really is.